no worries.. i haven't gone bonkers or anything.
im just.. happy. and cldn't find the words to express it in a title. or well, nothing that's not cliched came to mind. so yeah.
so.. i found 'inspiration' in the tune from the starhub commercial. because.. ryan just showed me this morning.. this starhub commercial that he and his brother did, as part of a competition. and it's REALLY good! :)
must go see!! and watch it over and over kkaes.
starhub advert - first date
and after you've watched it. help him vote for it, cos it's so funny.
click here and search for 'first date' and you'll find the video. then vote for it! :]
i hope my basic html skills allows all this stuff to come out okay. :)
and if they win.. haha.. maybe we can jostle/convince them to give us a treat. hehe jus kidding! :]
Recess Week!
it's over. so sad. sigh. oh well. it was an undoubtedly good week. despite being too short. i slacked a lot. i came to school just 3 times that week. the first two times.. to get research for my history paper.. photocopying (which i like). but that doesn't mean i read very much of it.
then there was CSS Arts Day of Recollection on Tuesday. and that totally rocked! :] kudos to the arts comm! haha.. and the mid-autumn lanterns and sparklers lol that was fun stuff!
check out this pic.
got it courtesy of niic. :) and in the pic is alex (female), justin, gerg or jem or alex (male)?? (mystery person) and elizabeth! :]
*EDIT: it has been clarified!! the mystery person is none other than our dear niic!! :) so sorry dude!
-unfortunately.. i haven't had a chance to upload my own pics from that day yet. the temptation was GREAT. but in all the madness of rushing papers.. i just couldn't afford the time. will do so in time.
-justin's blog is a good place to see pics from tuesday. he always takes a lot of pics and puts them up. :D go trigger happy on my links.
*and i have an announcement to make: i only tried mooncake for the first time THIS year. hehe only white lotus (without yolk pls)
spent time at home with grandma on thursday and friday. because she's just had a cataract operation done and there was no one else who could stay at home to takecare of her. :) but that was all good.
i like to ask her random things smetimes.. just for the fun of it.
and i love how she likes to twitch her toes every now and then.
she got married at NINETEEN. good god.
im expired already then. lol
and the rest of the week - the whole weekend, basically, was devoted to rushing my essays.
Essay Madness
whoa. never in all my two and a half semesters of uni.. have i ever come so close to the deadline.
i had two essays to do this recess week. one was research-based, for HY3227 Europe of the Dictators. the other was a mid-term take home essay (no research required) for HY2216 Total War: 1815-1945.
i only started proper on the essays on err early saturday morning. [in the wee hours] because of the whole slew of things which took up my recess week. it was a gruelling weekend man. the third time i came to school was on saturday. and surprisingly and comfortingly enough, i wasn't the only one in school on a saturday. :] arthur was around.. and amelia was around. thank god for dear fellow history majors to help me feel less stressed! :] *hugz
and later on.. albert and max came too. haha.. we had our own little css corner within the central library's reference section. sort of. lol
i finished (excl editing) the dictators essay later that night, after having had a wonderful run :). i went for bible study on sunday morning (with great faith that god would give me time) and only started on the total war essay after lunch, around 1/2pm. only to find that it was due 23:59 that day. yipes. and consulted my sis for ideas and a little bit of help. :] yayness.
i submitted the total war essay at 11pm. haha.
and then happily went on to look around blogs cos i felt so much relief.
phew! :)
Online Shopping
oh no. the craze has got its hold on me.
im new to this whole online shopping thing.
and i am absolutely amazed at how students manage to up-keep such endeavours at the same time as manage school-life. amazed.
to date.. i've bought two bracelets. (collecting TMR!! :] heehee)
and i've ordered two bags. :] yummy.
and im going to be broke at this rate. if i keep going to these websites and buying stuff that is. and i just got my allowance on sunday night. haha
there's this website which is superly tempting me with stuff.
but the thing is.. a lot of the clothes are Free-size.
im still not sure if i dare to buy clothes online. as in.. what if it doesn't fit?? and you noehow sometimes, some things may look nice on the rack/mannequin but just not quite right on you?? and free-size??!! what if it's superly big and i drown in it?
haha okay. enough of a peek into my paranoid and frenzied mind.
i'll see how. but my first foray into the world of online shopping. woohoo. exciting stuff. i'll see if i feel like buying anymore after collecting this round of stuff. :D can't wait.
and since this entry seems like one of referrals.. might as well continue. the three sights im currently stuck on and which have gotten me started on the world of online shopping:
-fuss over me
-the sisters company
*doptadoodle is by pple from NUS.
and i also dont noe why im increasing competition for myself. lol. but these sites are realli good, go check it out! :]
Back to School
im feeling much better now that i've submitted all my papers. and i haven't got any tests or anything much else to worry about for now.
cept for catching up and keeping up. which was the original goal i was hoping to fulfil with recess week. haha.
that having been said. i've had an awakening of sorts. or maybe perhaps revelation is a better word. *shrugs shoulders*
anyway.. i've realised.. half the sem is already gone. and this sem is supposed to be the sem which will pull my CAP up. because im taking one cross-fac and one hist (which is an ss mod). and lately.. that just doesn't look like it's going to happen.
i got a C+ for my universe mcq test.
and it was an open-book test too. basket!
and i dont have a partner for the project. and looks like they might be going to assign for those who dont have. so much for thinking i could jus go it alone. hopefully i get put with someone whom i can work with.
nation-building test has come and gone.
but i dont have any confidence about it. so i dunno. and i haven't been keeping up with readings. sighs.
so, some resolutions need to be made if there is to be any hope at all for salvaging my results this sem. resolutions dont only have to be made at new year you know. :)
1-no more falling aslp during classes.
well, this has been a long time coming lah huh. (yes justin.. i can see you nodding your head vigorously. u awful nag!) should have rectified it a long time ago. i'll snack if i have to (yes, i will have to) but somehow or other, i must stop falling aslp in class.
2-spiritual time stays
i've started a few good habits this sem with regards to spirituality.. and im going to try to keep to them as far as possible. :)
3-make better use of time
argh. this means.. probably less blog entries and (hopefully) less online purchases, less time wasted being on msn and on the gmail and well less stoning and wasting time online basically. i dont know where all my time goes.. but this would probably be the major culprit. general wastage of time.
hmm.. okay. just these few for now.
HIGHLIGHT of the week: being lifted up in the middle of the canteen
courtesy of dear, darling wei ying.
honestly dear! totally caught me by surprise lah. happily hug you then you go and LIFT me up off the ground.. in the midde of The Deck, at lunchtime. in front of kelvin, max, theresa thia and jelene. WTH. lol and they all um-chio (laugh to themselves) down there, pretending not to have seen. lol think i dont noe onli. ROFL
whee. the rest of the week to go. :)
good luck to all those having tests, essays and exams to tackle still.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
la da de da, la da de da
Posted by
8:43 AM
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