or in another words, Absent Without Leave.
Sorry that i have been absent from the blog for so long. It feels like forever since i last blogged. It's not that i didn't want to blog, but there just hasn't been very much time lately.
crunch-time is coming nearer and nearer.
day by day, minute by minute. I see the minutes ticking away on my countdown.
I am stressed. but somehow, not quite stressed enough.
Im stressed because i know well enough, how unprepared and behind (in just about everything) I am. But somehow not stressed enough to be able to take serious and concrete steps to really do something about all of this.
And that mere fact is stressing me out as well.
Hence due to time constraints, and my very disorganised brain, at this moment.. this entry is going to be quite dis-connected.
for you Lord
Morning and evening prayers these past two weeks have been great. It's so lovely to see different people come together each day to offer up some time in prayer together. And having other people to pray with and for you and your friends or family is really something special. :)
A reassuring message came to me on friday morning. In fact, both thursday and friday last week. The daily readings and the masses spoke to me and helped to reassure me that God would see to everything. But im not sure that that's a great thing. Of course it feels nice to be reassured, but i also firmly believe that God can only help those who help themselves. And while i hope that everything will turn out alright, because a chunk of my time is taken up with serving Him.. i know that i also have to put in some effort. Hopefully, the reassuring message helps to push me somehow.
CGs! :)
I really look forward to twice-weekly CSS events - CG and friday mass. And as the school term is swiftly and surely coming to an end soon.. i've come to the realisation that there are only three CG sessions left for the rest of this semester. I cannot even begin to tell you what a ride it's been for me. Three more CG sessions to enjoy to the maximum! :D
stress! :(
aaaahhh. I got back my total war history paper on thursday. That's the one which i rushed out in one day. :( and i did badly for it too. sighs.. B-. Oh man, what a disgrace of a history major i am. Going to see prof Farrell with Amelia tomorrow for post-mortem of our papers. Im scared shitless. yipes! hope i manage to survive it. :( But i need to go.. because i feel bad for letting the prof down and well, it's good to learn how to improve yeah. This can't go on, I must somehow turn into a history major with some "Oompfh" in her writing.
here's the line-up for the next few weeks:
and the reason for my stress]
-25th Oct.... Holocaust Project: research deadline
-26th OCt.... Political Science Essay Outline 'presentation' (in tutorial)
-31st Oct.... Nation-Building Essay Test (MUST SCORE THIS TIME!!)
-2nd Nov.... Political Science Essay due
-6th Nov.... Understanding the Universe MCQ Test (this will decide if i S/U e mod)
-9th Nov.... Dictators Essay due
-week 13.... Universe Group Project due
-17th Nov.... Total War Group Project completion date
Awful temptation!
And through all this madness.. online shopping continues to be a perpetual temptation which i need to battle each time im on the computer. Argh. If only i wasn't so broke. sucks to be broke!! :(
Anyway, with all the madness in my life and trouble managing time.. i think it's time to cut blogging entries for awhile.
Hiatus Application
Hence, i hereby attach my application for a hiatus.
pls do not expect to see a new entry for awhile, unless i go insanely mad and MUST blog. And i also will probably not be online very much either, unless i happen to have total war project discussions or something.
just a personal message in the meantime:
char: im so glad we were able to hang out altogether as a group on your birthday. had lots of fun. you rock on gal! will send you the pics at pol sci lect on thurs can? :)
The hiatus is only temporary. I'll be back once the exams end. :)
Anyway, that's assuming i'll be able to fight the temptation to write one or two (or a few) short entries between now and when the exams start.. which i highly doubt. LOL
All the best for your papers, projects, assignments darlings!
lotsa love!!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Posted by
10:49 PM
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